Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Mail.Ru желает Вам счастливого Нового года!

Дорогие друзья!

Мы поздравляем вас с наступлением самого удивительного и волшебного праздника - Нового года и дарим нашу открытку

Не забудьте поздравить своих близких. Теперь вы можете не только выбрать праздничную открытку из большого количества уже представленных в нашем каталоге, но и нарисовать свою!

За истекший год на Mail.Ru произошло множество ярких событий и стартовали новые интересные проекты.

Благодаря проекту Мой Мир@Mail.Ru ( можно найти своих одноклассников, однокурсников, коллег по работе, земляков, родственников и сослуживцев и всегда быть в курсе того, что у них происходит.

Новая версия мессенджера Mail.Ru Агент ( позволяет отправлять друг другу забавные флеш-мульты, общаться при помощи видеокамеры и защищает от спама.

Кроме того, в этом году появилась версия Агента для мобильных телефонов и КПК -, доступная на нашем вап-сайте

Наш Поиск по Интернету ( стал еще лучше. Теперь вы можете искать не только документы и картинки, но и видео-ролики. Попробуйте!

Оставайтесь с нами и в будущем, 2008 году! А чтобы ваши желания обязательно сбылись, отправьте их Деду Морозу при помощи нашего Новогоднего проекта (

Счастливого вам Нового года!

И как обычно, самые точные прогнозы на будущий год на наших Гороскопах@Mail.Ru (

С наилучшими пожеланиями,
Команда Mail.Ru

Friday, December 21, 2007

Be seen first on YAHOO, MSN, GOOGLE .. Pre Christmas Special

"Without being seen first on the search engines, your
site can be little more than a glorified business card"

"If you're seen first on the major search engines, chances
are you're the one people will call first. It's that simple."

Discover a better way to be seen on the major search engines.
A way that over 14,000 companies have already discovered.
Their sites are ALWAYS seen at the top of the major search
engines, WITHOUT the exorbitant pay per click charges.

We can provide you that same placement, exclusively, across
GOOGLE, YAHOO, MSN and thirteen other search engines.
This Network is based on established, proven search toolbar
technology, having been in existence for over five years. This
search toolbar network is at over 28 million, and for 100% of
those who have the search toolbar, you are always seen first
on the search engines - or your money back!

You, too can have this guaranteed type of exposure. Our usual
run on the Network goes for six months, but for those who
register with us before Christmas, we will give you the
second six months at no additional cost. We will also include our
Click2Call service, which can put people on the phone to you
directly from a search engine, at no additional cost ..
if you register today.

As for the cost, you'll probably spend more for your morning
coffee over the coming year than you would spend for this. We
offer specific guarantees, including a money back guarantee.
Call for details.

I can be reached at my office, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Pacific time. Please feel free to call me if you have any

Best regards,

Dan Baker

Business Segment Analyst, StarPosition
Phone: 800.481.2979, ext 2002

If you do not wish to receive future emails, reply with 'remove'
in the subject line. Or, reply via postal mail to the following

Customer Service
16787 Beach Boulevard, #742
Huntington Beach, CA 92647

Please allow three business days to be unsubscribed via the
above return method, or ten business days if you reply via
postal mail.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ â èãðå Shock-World

Здравствуйте, Grigys! Вы зарегистрировались на сервере Шок-1 (x10), игры Shock-World
Ваши данные:
Аккаунт: Grigys
Пароль: A040689a
Секретный вопрос #1: Кличка любимого животного?
Ответ на вопрос #1: wewew
Секретный вопрос #2: Отчество любимого человека?
Ответ на вопрос #2: ewqewqew
Приятной Вам игры!
C уважением,
Администрация сервера

Tuesday, December 11, 2007 | Latest Motoring news (2 сообщения)

 rss2email.ruНа что подписаться?   |   Управление подпиской 

CARSguide  RSS | Latest Motoring news
The latest vehicles releases, breaking news and all the latest from the motoring industry.
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Monday, December 10, 2007 | Latest Motoring news (3 сообщения)

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CARSguide  RSS | Latest Motoring news
The latest vehicles releases, breaking news and all the latest from the motoring industry.
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Friday, December 7, 2007

Be first on MSN, GOOGLE, YAHOO ..

"Without being seen first on the search engines, your
site can be little more than a glorified business card"

"If you're seen first on the major search engines, chances
are you're the one people will call first. It's that simple."

Discover a better way to be seen on the major search engines.
A way that over 14,000 companies have already discovered.
Their sites are ALWAYS seen at the top of the major search
engines, WITHOUT the exorbitant pay per click charges.

We can provide you that same placement, exclusively, across
GOOGLE, YAHOO, MSN and thirteen other search engines.
This Network is based on established, proven search toolbar
technology, having been in existence for over five years. This
search toolbar network is at over 28 million, and for 100% of
those who have the search toolbar, you are always seen first
on the search engines - or your money back!

You, too can have this guaranteed type of exposure. Our usual
run on the Network goes for six months, but for those who
register between now and Friday, we will give you the second
six months at no additional cost. We will also include our
Click2Call service, which can put people on the phone to you
directly from a search engine, at no additional cost ..
if you register today.

As for the cost, you'll probably spend more for your morning
coffee over the coming year than you would spend for this. We
offer specific guarantees, including a money back guarantee.
Call for details.

I can be reached at my office, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Pacific time. Please feel free to call me if you have any

Best regards,

Robert Sexton

Director of Business Development, StarPosition
Phone: 800.481.2979, ext 2001
Direct line: 949.215.0022

If you do not wish to receive future emails, reply with 'remove'
in the subject line. Or, reply via postal mail to the following

Customer Service
16787 Beach Boulevard, #742
Huntington Beach, CA 92647

Please allow three business days to be unsubscribed via the
above return method, or ten business days if you reply via
postal mail. | Latest Motoring news (3 сообщения)

 rss2email.ruНа что подписаться?   |   Управление подпиской 

CARSguide  RSS | Latest Motoring news
The latest vehicles releases, breaking news and all the latest from the motoring industry.
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Thursday, December 6, 2007 | Latest Motoring news (4 сообщения)

 rss2email.ruНа что подписаться?   |   Управление подпиской 

CARSguide  RSS | Latest Motoring news
The latest vehicles releases, breaking news and all the latest from the motoring industry.
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Wednesday, December 5, 2007 | Latest Motoring news (5 сообщений)

 rss2email.ruНа что подписаться?   |   Управление подпиской 

CARSguide  RSS | Latest Motoring news
The latest vehicles releases, breaking news and all the latest from the motoring industry.
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Tuesday, December 4, 2007 | Latest Motoring news (2 сообщения)

 rss2email.ruНа что подписаться?   |   Управление подпиской 

CARSguide  RSS | Latest Motoring news
The latest vehicles releases, breaking news and all the latest from the motoring industry.
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Monday, December 3, 2007 | Latest Motoring news (3 сообщения)

 rss2email.ruНа что подписаться?   |   Управление подпиской 

CARSguide  RSS | Latest Motoring news
The latest vehicles releases, breaking news and all the latest from the motoring industry.
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управлять всей подпиской: | Latest Motoring news (3 сообщения)

 rss2email.ruНа что подписаться?   |   Управление подпиской 

CARSguide  RSS | Latest Motoring news
The latest vehicles releases, breaking news and all the latest from the motoring industry.
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