Monday, December 29, 2008

Mail.Ru желает Вам счастливого Нового года!

Дорогие друзья!

Поздравляем вас с самым замечательным и долгожданным праздником - Новым Годом!
Для вас - наша традиционная новогодняя открытка -

В 2008 году мы постарались сделать все возможное, чтобы наши проекты стали еще более удобными и полезными.

В рамках почтовой службы была запущена абсолютно новая эффективная технология АнтиСпама. Мы уверены, что вы это почувствовали по значительному сокращению нежелательной корреспонденции в ваших ящиках.

Новый Mail.Ru Агент 5.2 ( научился поддерживать ICQ, а также радикально улучшил качество голосовой связи. Вы можете бесплатно общаться голосом с любым пользователем, у которого установлена такая же программа, а также звонить на телефонные номера по всему миру по очень выгодным тарифам.

Наш новый, но уже очень популярный проект Работа@Mail.Ru ( обязательно поможет вам найти интересную и высокооплачиваемую работу.

А обновленные Карты@Mail.Ru ( покажут снимки со спутников и самую актуальную информацию о пробках на дорогах крупных городов России (по заявкам "трудящихся" автомобилистов!).

Новые технологии коснулись и нашего традиционного новогоднего проекта ( Теперь вы можете не только написать письмо Деду Морозу, но и "поймать" его живьем, отследив по GPS.

Подготовиться к празднику вам поможет специальный раздел, облегчающий выбор подарков от Товаров@Mail.Ru -

А спланировать будущее - самые точные гороскопы на 2009 год на Гороскопах@Mail.Ru (

Оставайтесь с нами и в будущем 2009 году! Счастливого вам Нового года!

С наилучшими пожеланиями,
Команда Mail.Ru

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Напоминание! Вам пришла открытка: Поздравление с днем рождения

Открытки@Mail.Ru Здравствуйте, retrt frrtrt, Вам пришла открытка!
Отправитель Щелкни, чтобы пообщаться с этим человеком в Mail.Ru Агенте Компания Mail.Ru <>

Чтобы посмотреть открытку, нажмите на ссылку, расположенную ниже, или скопируйте ее в адресную строку браузера.

Открытка будет дожидаться вас в течение 87 дней.

Праздники на этой неделе

Праздник огней

День работников рекламы

День ООН
Отправляйте на мобильный телефон графические и звуковые открытки!
Чтобы своевременно узнавать о праздниках, именинах и конкурсах, подпишитесь на рассылку.

Открытки@Mail.Ru – открытки на все случаи жизни!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Поздравляем с Днем рождения!

Здравствуйте, retrt frrtrt.

Мы поздравляем Вас с Днем рождения!

Наш подарок ожидает Вас по ссылке:

Для просмотра перейдите по ссылке или скопируйте ее в адресную строку интернет-браузера. Подарок будет дожидаться Вас в течение 90 дней.

Чтобы своевременно узнавать о праздниках и именинах, подпишитесь на наши рассылки.

Компания Mail.Ru

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Free business listing on

Dear Business Owner,


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Thursday, July 24, 2008


"If your site is seen first on the search engines, you're the
one people will tend to contact. It's that simple."

Discover a better way to be seen on the major search engines.
A way that over 14,000 companies have already discovered.
Their sites are ALWAYS seen at the top of the major search
engines, WITHOUT the exorbitant pay per click charges.

With us, your site, and not a banner or link, is ALWAYS
seen first, with no pay per click hassle.

We can provide you this same advantage. This Network
is based on proven search toolbar technology with over
31.6 million downloads. For those who have downloaded
the WebMenu search toolbar, these clients are seen 100%
of the time at the top of the major search engines !!

Our usual placement goes for six months, but if you register
with us between now and Friday, we'll also give you an
additional six months at no extra cost. We offer guarantees,
including a money back guarantee. We will also include our
Click2Call service at NO additional cost, if you order today.

Ask about our free sponsored link program, which will be
included with your order if you order during our promotion.

I can be reached at my office, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Pacific time. Please feel free to call me.

Best regards,

Robert Sexton

Director of Business Development, StarPosition
Phone: 800.481.2979, ext 2001
Direct line: 949.215.0022

If you do not wish to receive future emails, simply reply to
this email with REMOVE in the subject line. Or, reply via
postal mail to the following address:

Customer Service
16787 Beach Boulevard, #742
Huntington Beach, CA 92647

Please allow three business days to be unsubscribed via the above link,
or ten business days if you reply via postal mail.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


"If your site is seen first on the search engines, you're the
one people will tend to contact. It's that simple."

Discover a better way to be seen on the major search engines.
A way that over 14,000 companies have already discovered.
Their sites are ALWAYS seen at the top of the major search
engines, WITHOUT the exorbitant pay per click charges.

With us, your site, and not a banner or link, is ALWAYS
seen first, with no pay per click hassle.

We can provide you this same advantage. This Network
is based on proven search toolbar technology with over
31.6 million downloads. For those who have downloaded
the WebMenu search toolbar, these clients are seen 100%
of the time at the top of the major search engines !!

Our usual placement goes for six months, but if you register
with us between now and Wednesday, we'll also give you an
additional six months at no extra cost. We offer guarantees,
including a money back guarantee. We will also include our
Click2Call service at NO additional cost, if you order today.

Ask about our free sponsored link program, which will be
included with your order if you order during our promotion.

I can be reached at my office, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Pacific time. Please feel free to call me.

Best regards,

Robert Sexton

Director of Business Development, StarPosition
Phone: 800.481.2979, ext 2001
Direct line: 949.215.0022

If you do not wish to receive future emails, simply reply to
this email with REMOVE in the subject line. Or, reply via
postal mail to the following address:

Customer Service
16787 Beach Boulevard, #742
Huntington Beach, CA 92647

Please allow three business days to be unsubscribed via the above link,
or ten business days if you reply via postal mail.

Monday, June 30, 2008


"Without being seen first on the search engines, your
site can be little more than a glorified business card"

"If you're seen first on the major search engines, chances
are you're the one people will call first. It's that simple."

Discover a better way to be seen on the major search engines.
A way that over 14,000 companies have already discovered.
Their sites are ALWAYS seen at the top of the major search
engines, WITHOUT the exorbitant pay per click charges.

We can provide you that same placement, exclusively, across
GOOGLE, YAHOO, MSN and thirteen other search engines.
This Network is based on established, proven search toolbar
technology, having been in existence for over five years. This
search toolbar network is at over 31 million, and for 100% of
those who have the search toolbar, you are always seen first
on the search engines - or your money back!

You, too can have this guaranteed type of exposure. Our usual
run on the Network goes for six months, but for those who
register between now and Tuesday, we will also give you the
second six months at no additional cost. We will also include our
Click2Call service, which can put people on the phone to you
directly from a search engine, at no additional cost ..
if you register today.

also included if you order today. We offer specific guarantees,
including a money back guarantee. Call for details.

I can be reached at my office, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Pacific time. Please feel free to call me if you have any

Best regards,

Kathleen Daigle
Business Segment Analyst, StarPosition
Phone: 800.481.2979, ext 2003

If you do not wish to receive future emails, click on REPLY,
enter REMOVE in the subject line, then click on SEND.
Or, reply via postal mail to the following address:

Customer Service
16787 Beach Boulevard, #742
Huntington Beach, CA 92647

Please allow three business days to be unsubscribed via the
above return method, or ten business days if you reply via
postal mail.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

аппа паапп приглашает Вас создать свой Мир!


аппа паапп предлагает Вам создать свой собственный Мир на проекте Мой Мир@Mail.Ru.

В своем Мире Вы сможете рассказать о себе и показать себя, найти старых друзей, завести много новых, а главное, всегда быть в курсе всего, что с ними происходит.
Теперь на проекте Мой Мир@Mail.Ru можно искать одноклассников, однокурсников и бывших коллег по работе.

Создать свой Мир и найти старых друзей.

С уважением,
администрация проекта
Мой Мир@Mail.Ru

Sunday, June 8, 2008

First on the major search engines ..

"Without being seen first on the search engines, your
site can be little more than a glorified business card"

"If you're seen first on the major search engines, chances
are you're the one people will call first. It's that simple."

Discover a better way to be seen on the major search engines.
A way that over 14,000 companies have already discovered.
Their sites are ALWAYS seen at the top of the major search
engines, WITHOUT the exorbitant pay per click charges.

We can provide you that same placement, exclusively, across
GOOGLE, YAHOO, MSN and thirteen other search engines.
This Network is based on established, proven search toolbar
technology, having been in existence for over five years. This
search toolbar network is at over 31 million, and for 100% of
those who have the search toolbar, you are always seen first
on the search engines - or your money back!

You, too can have this guaranteed type of exposure. Our usual
run on the Network goes for six months, but for those who
register with us between now and Tuesday, we will also give you
the second six months at no additional cost. We will also include
our Click2Call service, which can put people on the phone to you
directly from a search engine, at no additional cost ..
if you register today.

As for the cost, you'll probably spend more for your morning
coffee over the coming year than you would spend for this. We
offer specific guarantees, including a money back guarantee.
Call for details.

I can be reached at my office, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Pacific time. Please feel free to call me if you have any

Best regards,

Robert Sexton

Director of Business Development, StarPosition
Phone: 800.481.2979, ext 2001
Direct Line: 949.215.0022

If you do not wish to receive future emails, click on REPLY,
and enter REMOVE in the subject line, then click on SEND.
Or, reply via postal mail to the following address:

Customer Service
16787 Beach Boulevard, #742
Huntington Beach, CA 92647

Please allow three business days to be unsubscribed via the
above return method, or ten business days if you reply via
postal mail.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

First on the major search engines ..

"Without being seen first on the search engines, your
site can be little more than a glorified business card"

"If you're seen first on the major search engines, chances
are you're the one people will call first. It's that simple."

Discover a better way to be seen on the major search engines.
A way that over 14,000 companies have already discovered.
Their sites are ALWAYS seen at the top of the major search
engines, WITHOUT the exorbitant pay per click charges.

We can provide you that same placement, exclusively, across
GOOGLE, YAHOO, MSN and thirteen other search engines.
This Network is based on established, proven search toolbar
technology, having been in existence for over five years. This
search toolbar network is at over 31 million, and for 100% of
those who have the search toolbar, you are always seen first
on the search engines - or your money back!

You, too can have this guaranteed type of exposure. Our usual
run on the Network goes for six months, but for those who
register with us between now and Wednesday, we will give you
the second six months at no additional cost. We will also include
our Click2Call service, which can put people on the phone to you
directly from a search engine, at no additional cost ..
if you register today.

As for the cost, you'll probably spend more for your morning
coffee over the coming year than you would spend for this. We
offer specific guarantees, including a money back guarantee.
Call for details.

I can be reached at my office, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Pacific time. Please feel free to call me if you have any

Best regards,

Robert Sexton

Director of Business Development, StarPosition
Phone: 800.481.2979, ext 2001
Direct Line: 949.215.0022

If you do not wish to receive future emails, click on REPLY,
and enter REMOVE in the subject line, then click on SEND.
Or, reply via postal mail to the following address:

Customer Service
16787 Beach Boulevard, #742
Huntington Beach, CA 92647

Please allow three business days to be unsubscribed via the
above return method, or ten business days if you reply via
postal mail.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Be seen first on GOOGLE, MSN, YAHOO and other search engines ..

"If your site is seen first on the search engines, you're the

one people will tend to contact. It's that simple."

Discover a better way to be seen on the major search engines.
A way that over 14,000 companies have already discovered.
Their sites are ALWAYS seen at the top of the major search
engines, WITHOUT the exorbitant pay per click charges.


With us, your site, and not a banner or link, is ALWAYS

seen first, with no pay per click hassle. What you see is

the placement we do for some of our clients ..


(Click on the image below to go to our site and see the

testimonials we have. All with phone numbers.)


Various Clients


We can provide you this same advantage. This Network

is based on proven search toolbar technology with over

30.6 million downloads. For those who have downloaded

the WebMenu search toolbar, these clients are seen 100%

of the time at the top of the major search engines !!


Our usual placement goes for six months, but if you register

with us between now and Tuesday, we'll also give you an

additional six months at no extra cost. We offer guarantees,

including a money back guarantee. We will also include our

Click2Call service at NO additional cost, if you order today.


I can be reached at my office, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Pacific time. Please feel free to call me.


Best regards,



Kathleen Daigle

Business Segment Analyst, StarPosition

Phone:          800.481.2979, ext 2003


If you do not wish to receive future emails, click Remove. Or, reply via

postal mail to the following address:


Customer Service

16787 Beach Boulevard, #742

Huntington Beach, CA 92647


Please allow three business days to be unsubscribed via the above link,

or ten business days if you reply via postal mail.


Sunday, May 4, 2008

First on the major search engines

"If your site is seen first on the search engines, you're the

one people will tend to contact. It's that simple."

Discover a better way to be seen on the major search engines.
A way that over 14,000 companies have already discovered.
Their sites are ALWAYS seen at the top of the major search
engines, WITHOUT the exorbitant pay per click charges.


With us, your site, and not a banner or link, is ALWAYS

seen first, with no pay per click hassle. What you see is

the placement we do for some of our clients ..


(Click on the image below to go to our site and see the

testimonials we have. All with phone numbers.)


Various Clients


We can provide you this same advantage. This Network

is based on proven search toolbar technology with over

30.5 million downloads. For those who have downloaded

the WebMenu search toolbar, these clients are seen 100%

of the time at the top of the major search engines !!


Our usual placement goes for six months, but if you register

with us between now and Tuesday, we'll also give you an

additional six months at no extra cost. We offer guarantees,

including a money back guarantee. We will also include our

Click2Call service at NO additional cost, if you order today.


I can be reached at my office, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Pacific time. Please feel free to call me.


Best regards,



Robert Sexton

Director of Business Development, StarPosition

Phone:          800.481.2979, ext 2001

Direct Line:    949.215.0022


If you do not wish to receive future emails, click Remove. Or, reply via

postal mail to the following address:


Customer Service

16787 Beach Boulevard, #742

Huntington Beach, CA 92647


Please allow three business days to be unsubscribed via the above link,

or ten business days if you reply via postal mail.


Monday, April 14, 2008

Be seen first on GOOGLE, MSN, YAHOO and other search engines ..

"If your site is seen first on the search engines, you're the

one people will tend to contact. It's that simple."

Discover a better way to be seen on the major search engines.
A way that over 14,000 companies have already discovered.
Their sites are ALWAYS seen at the top of the major search
engines, WITHOUT the exorbitant pay per click charges.


With us, your site, and not a banner or link, is ALWAYS

seen first, with no pay per click hassle. What you see is

the placement we do for some of our clients ..


Various Clients


We can provide you this same advantage. This Network

is based on proven search toolbar technology with over

30.2 million downloads. For those who have downloaded

the WebMenu search toolbar, these clients are seen 100%

of the time at the top of the major search engines !!


Our usual placement goes for six months, but if you register

with us between now and Tuesday, we'll also give you an

additional six months at no extra cost. We offer guarantees,

including a money back guarantee. We will also include our

Click2Call service at NO additional cost, if you order today.


I can be reached at my office, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Pacific time. Please feel free to call me.


Best regards,



Kathleen Daigle

Business Segment Analyst, StarPosition

Phone:          800.481.2979, ext 2003


If you do not wish to receive future emails, click Remove. Or, reply via

postal mail to the following address:


Customer Service

16787 Beach Boulevard, #742

Huntington Beach, CA 92647


Please allow three business days to be unsubscribed via the above link,

or ten business days if you reply via postal mail.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Поиск друзей по школе и ВУЗу на Mail.Ru

Дорогие друзья,

Почтовой службой Mail.Ru пользуются более 50 миллионов человек, такой огромной аудитории нет больше нигде в российском Интернете.

Наверняка среди этих миллионов есть огромное количество ваших друзей и знакомых, с которыми вы потеряли связь. Представляете, каждый день мы вводим логин и пароль в одно и то же окошко и не видим друг друга.

Мы создали проект Мой Мир@Mail.Ru специально, чтобы помочь вам найти старых друзей. Менее чем за год на проекте зарегистрировалось 15 млн. пользователей.

Посмотрите, может быть, ваши одноклассники уже здесь -

Также вы можете найти друзей по ВУЗу -

И друзей по колледжу или техникуму -

А кроме того, мы объявляем апрель - месяцем встреч друзей по школе и институту. Каждый, кто в апреле воспользуется формой поиска (, получает шанс выиграть приз:

- стильный современный ноутбук Acer Aspire 4720Z (3 шт.)
- iPod shuffle (30 шт.)
- фотоаппарат Canon PowerShot A460 (10 шт.)
- бесценный шанс встретить старых друзей (50 000 000 шт.)

Победители будут опубликованы 30 апреля на этой странице -

Давайте, наконец, увидимся друг с другом!
Администрация Mail.Ru

Friday, April 4, 2008

Be first on the major search engines

"If your site is seen first on the search engines, you're the

one people will tend to contact. It's that simple."

Discover a better way to be seen on the major search engines.
A way that over 14,000 companies have already discovered.
Their sites are ALWAYS seen at the top of the major search
engines, WITHOUT the exorbitant pay per click charges.


With us, your site, and not a banner or link, is ALWAYS

seen first, with no pay per click hassle. What you see is

the placement we do for some of our clients ..


(Click on the image below to go to our site and see the

testimonials we have. All with phone numbers.)


Various Clients


We can provide you this same advantage. This Network

is based on proven search toolbar technology with over

30.2 million downloads. For those who have downloaded

the WebMenu search toolbar, these clients are seen 100%

of the time at the top of the major search engines !!


Our usual placement goes for six months, but if you register

with us by the end of this week, we'll also give you an

additional six months at no extra cost. We offer guarantees,

including a money back guarantee. We will also include our

Click2Call service at NO additional cost, if you order today.


I can be reached at my office, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Pacific time.  Please feel free to call me.


Best regards,



Robert Sexton

Director of Business Development, StarPosition

Phone:          800.481.2979, ext 2001

Direct line:     949.215.0022


If you do not wish to receive future emails, click Remove. Or, reply via

postal mail to the following address:


Customer Service

16787 Beach Boulevard, #742

Huntington Beach, CA 92647


Please allow three business days to be unsubscribed via the above link,

or ten business days if you reply via postal mail.


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Be seen first on the search engines ......

"If your site is seen first on the search engines, you're the

one people will tend to contact. It's that simple."

Discover a better way to be seen on the major search engines.
A way that over 14,000 companies have already discovered.
Their sites are ALWAYS seen at the top of the major search
engines, WITHOUT the exorbitant pay per click charges.


With us, your site, and not a banner or link, is ALWAYS

seen first, with no pay per click hassle. What you see is

the placement we do for some of our clients ..


(Click on the image below to go to our site and see the

testimonials we have. All with phone numbers.)


Various Clients


We can provide you this same advantage. This Network

is based on proven search toolbar technology with just under

30.1 million downloads. For those who have downloaded

the WebMenu search toolbar, these clients are seen 100%

of the time at the top of the major search engines !!


Our usual placement goes for six months, but if you register

with us between now and Wednesday, we'll also give you an

additional six months at no extra cost. We offer guarantees,

including a money back guarantee. We will also include our

Click2Call service at NO additional cost, if you order today.


I can be reached at my office, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Pacific time. Please feel free to call me.


Best regards,



Kathleen Daigle

Business Segment Analyst , StarPosition

Phone:          800.481.2979, ext 2003


If you do not wish to receive future emails, click Remove. Or, reply via

postal mail to the following address:


Customer Service

16787 Beach Boulevard, #742

Huntington Beach, CA 92647


Please allow three business days to be unsubscribed via the above link,

or ten business days if you reply via postal mail.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Be seen first on the search engines ......

"If your site is seen first on the search engines, you're the

one people will tend to contact. It's that simple."

Discover a better way to be seen on the major search engines.
A way that over 14,000 companies have already discovered.
Their sites are ALWAYS seen at the top of the major search
engines, WITHOUT the exorbitant pay per click charges.


With us, your site, and not a banner or link, is ALWAYS

seen first, with no pay per click hassle. What you see is

the placement we do for some of our clients ..


(Click on the image below to go to our site and see the

testimonials we have. All with phone numbers.)


Various Clients


We can provide you this same advantage. This Network

is based on proven search toolbar technology with over

29.8 million downloads. For those who have downloaded

the WebMenu search toolbar, these clients are seen 100%

of the time at the top of the major search engines !!


Our usual placement goes for six months, but if you register

with us between now and Friday, we'll also give you an

additional six months at no extra cost. We offer guarantees,

including a money back guarantee. We will also include our

Click2Call service at NO additional cost, if you order today.


I can be reached at my office, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Pacific time. Please feel free to call me.


Best regards,



Kathleen Daigle

Business Segment Analyst , StarPosition

Phone:          800.481.2979, ext 2003


If you do not wish to receive future emails, click Remove. Or, reply via

postal mail to the following address:


Customer Service

16787 Beach Boulevard, #742

Huntington Beach, CA 92647


Please allow three business days to be unsubscribed via the above link,

or ten business days if you reply via postal mail.

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